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Journey Home
Lyrics & Music by MARTH

Welcoming the stars and the moon as friends
I left my town and set off on a journey
Slept on the earth, embraced my frozen body
I came all the way to the desert to see you
Ah I wished to have the courage to live
Without knowing a name, without being known

I can see the stars, I can see the people
At last, I can see love and the heart
I can see transient lives and heartaches
And tears welled up in my eyes somehow
Ah, my beloved, you're the only one
You're the only one I sing this song, this song of love, of Mother Earth

I feel strongly now for the first time in my life
Life is so ephemeral
Ah you're the only one
The only one I will send a song
About the law of the end of great life
To you who will leave this world someday

作詞・作曲 MARTH

星と月とを 友に迎えて
街を捨て去り 旅に出てきた
大地で眠り 凍えて抱いて
砂漠を果てなく お前に会いにきた
Ah 名もなく 人知れず

星が見えてきた 人が見えてきた
愛が心が やっと見えてきた
儚い命が 痛みが見えた
何故だか 涙が込み上げてきた
Ah 愛しき お前にだけは
お前にだけは この法(うた)を
この大地の 愛の法(うた)を

儚い命が 生きてることを
生まれて初めて 強く感じてる
Ah 旅ゆく お前にだけは
いつしか必ず 旅立つお前に
必ず旅立つ お前にだけは
遥かなる人生の 終わりの法(うた)を


from Messages Beyond The Time 2 -Yasuragi Orchestra-, released November 25, 2013


all rights reserved


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